How to Pitch your Business Ideas to Investors?


Are you looking for the best business ideas for investment in Toronto to pitch your startup business?

If you want a winning business plan for investment in Toronto to get funded by investors, you are in the right place. What you need to do is follow some basic principles of pitching your business ideas and attract investors to fund your business.


  • In today’s modern technology-driven world, people get more influenced by virtual presentations rather than verbal presentations.
  • Try to make your presentation short, precise, and on point so that you can easily convey your business structure in less time.
  • Practice your presentation before presenting it to the investors in a calm, motivating, and effective manner.

What type of problem your business will solve?

  • You must highlight the problem-solving nature of your business. Let us understand with an example here: if you own a gym in Vancouver, but due to corona pandemic gyms are closed you can solve the problem of people by hiring online yoga or gym trainers so that they can train people from home and one can work out from home and stay fit and healthy. So this can be a good problem-solving nature of your Business, which will attract investors for your business and can be the best Business Plan for Investment in Vancouver.
  • Any business of any kind which has solved people’s problems has touched their lives as well as raised the business level also. You have to ensure the investors about how your business model will solve the customers’ problems. This enhances the chance of investors to fund your startup.

Your Revenue Model

  • Your revenue-generating model will decide how investors will fall upon your business. HOW WILL YOU MAKE MONEY.
  • Be very specific and conscious about your products and their pricing.

Show your business knowledge and business experience

  • Showcase your business skills and past business experience, if any. Your business evidence will show the cash flow; also the track record with customers (their rating or review of the product), testimonials, and your market research you have carried out. The company’s ability to trade will bring investors to fund a company.
  • Build some credibility by sharing your past success. Impress your investors by making them know about your accomplishment to date (sales, targets, leads, and product launch.)

Your Management

  • Investors invest in management first than comes investment in the idea.
  • Your team should be trustworthy, hardworking, innovative, and creative so that investors can invest in your company and accept your proposal just with their eyes closed. So, this will work amazingly as the best business investment proposal Vancouver.
  • So be sure to share the skill set and details of your management team because most start-up lacks key skills of the team, which lost the investors’ faith in the company.

Who is in your competition?

  • This is a very important part of your pitch; many companies neglect this section and do not provide any details about their competitors.
  • You must tell who is in your competition and how you are different from your competitors. Do make a slide of your company on one hand and another slide of your competitor, on the other hand. Tick all the key features of your side, which you benefit the customer and compare with your competitor. This makes a good advantage for you to get funds from investors.

Take Feedback

  • No matter whatever will be the outcome of your pitch, whether you get accepted the deal and receive funding, they go for another meeting, or you get rejections. Take feedback and look at areas to improve. Look for a weak point or review slides that led to a negative impact on investors. Keep practicing, refining, and execute again and again, even if you get a perfect pitch.
  • Don’t lose hope, don’t stress yourself out, treat every investor pitch as a learning experience, and work at yourself to become better and better and apply those learning experiences into every area of your business.

Published by Mikel Consulting

Mikel Consulting prepares the best business plan specifically tailored to raise investment capital, secure a bank loan, obtain a visa, or strategically pave the path to success which helps the client to raise their startups and small businesses. For more info visit:

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